
6:13 AM by harry

The feature debut of David Lynch, Eraserhead is an unsettling and surreal journey, like looking into a mirror and seeing someone else's reflection. Floating in an inky nothingness, Henry Spencer (Jack Nance) appears serene but concerned. A rock appears superimposed over his features, with him yet elsewhere. Inside the pockmarked planet a man (Jack Fisk) exists, alternately staring intently out of his grimy window or considering the array of signal-box levers in front of him. Henry's mouth slowly opens, disgorging a pallid, stringy worm-like creature. Stung into action, the man in the planet grasps his levers and briefly struggles with them. The worm is cast into a muddy puddle, leaving Henry as he was before. Welcome to the world of Eraserhead.

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